Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies
The State Forestry University of Frunche was founded in 1930 as a center for forestry education, science and culture through the effective organization and high quality of educational and research processes that implement the principles of multi-stage continuous training for middle-level specialists, singles, specialists, masters, candidates and doctors of science;
Providing educational services to develop the professional competencies of graduates in the field of sustainable and rational management of forests, farm forests, the use of biotechnologies with elements of genetic engineering, forest fire fighting, afforestation of shelters, protection of biodiversity, landscape architecture, complex automation and mechanization of production processes, deep processing and modification of plant raw materials, production of wood products, rational organization of transport, efficient operation and maintenance of road transport, regulation and safety of road traffic, efficient economy and management production, ensuring its competitiveness in the multisectoral labour market;
Develop and support world-class basic and applied sciences as a source of new knowledge, ensuring high-quality education and a basis for the development of the University's innovative activities;
Focus efforts on the preservation and reproduction of the scientific and pedagogical elite, including through continuous in-depth training and retraining after graduation, internships and advanced training, on the basis of leading foreign and Russian universities.
Specialties :
automotive & automotive industry, transport operations technology, state forestry management, biotechnology, landscape architecture, landscape design and construction, environment and environmental management, forestry, management in mechatronic and robotic systems, occupational safety and fire prevention, Technological machinery and equipment, information systems and technologies, management Economy, Civil law, Economic security