Novgorod State University is named after him. Yaroslav the Wise (NovSU) is the largest university in the Novgorod region, founded in 1993. It is located in one of the oldest cities in Russia - Veliky Novgorod. Since 1994, the university has been named after Prince Yaroslav the Wise who laid the foundations of education in Novgorod.
Novgorod State University is named after him. For the first time in Russia, Yaroslav the Wise united many universities, technical schools, scientific and productive structures on a voluntary basis, preserving and increasing their scientific, educational, social and cultural potential. The structure of NovSU consists of 8 institutes, which include 4 departments of secondary vocational education, 3 faculties, 56 departments. Practice-oriented training at the university is organized according to more than 250 educational programs, taught by more than 450 faculty members Specialized teaching, more than 400 doctors and candidates for science.